
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, May 17, 2009

bitch is useless

ok. Keith's on computer ban due to testing positive for thc. Ok. Of course, weeks ago he gets an assignment, to be done on computer. Of course I find out today, it's due tomorrow. I tell him, have the person who gavce birth to you handle it. Of course, I come home, it isn't done. It is sleeping, on the air mattress in the living room. Did It take him to the library to use their computers, of course not. Is he continuing the pattern It has of "lastminutitis?" Yes. Am I the only person @ this fucking address with his head NOT up his ass? You decide.

Forest Park 4m this morning. Thank God. Reconnected. Few Striders: Darlene, Eric, Sam, Hank. Not the usual crowd. Peeps going their own ways. Really miss the days when the club was more together, but, such is life. On the glass being half full front, we had representation there as well as @ yesterday's Kidney 10k. Nice to have the numbers to be able to do that. Still, miss the peeps joining together to support Queens. Such is life. The children...they leave the nest..................

REALLY feel like the only person here who gives a fuck (Toxichouse that is). Is it REALLY so hard to follow up on your son's homework. Apparently so.

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