
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Day 1930


GREAT am, got my miles. Cool and crisp. Was especially nice as I got up late (r) than usual (6), late night. So, got my miles, met my peeps, saw a flick, then Toxichouse. Crucial error. It was home, tanning (what ELSE would a cancer person be doing???).

House is a mess, dogshit in the grass, it sits, tanning. After cancer.....

I hadda do the inevitable, had been postponing the grass for as long as I could (last cut before winter), but since the time was right, hadda do it.

It tells me LIPA called re: tree trimming.

So, understand, it sits, doesn't do shit, and tells me something needs to be done.

Same old shit.

And no, the piles of shit aren't moved, at all.

But we tanned!!!!!

Then It has the balls to ask what my work hours are? I responded: "what are yours?"

...But I need counseling.....

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