
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, September 19, 2014

Day 1922


Jeeez! Real yin/yang hap'nin'!

Had a GREAT day! Got my miles, then spent the day with my "make believe friends" @ the cabin.

Unfortunately, that's where it ended.

Into Toxichouse, Stoney first asks me not to touch "his" peanut butter on the shelf in the kitchen (fine don't use MY electricity, don't use MY cable as you live in the house I pay for), after he drinks coffee from MY cup. He enters the living room mumbling about my having health insurance. Really?

How's College?


Contribute to the 4 walls and roof in which you reside?

Eat some peanut butter, enjoy it.

And Shebitch? After training him with this script, not a peep. Of course not. THAT would be...what's the word..."Parenting?" What's that commandment about respecting thy father and...oh yeah! We only TEACH that shit!

Got my miles, had a GREAT day.

...Funny, never a peep about "you know dad, you haven't had a vacation in years." "You know dad, the world had a summer, you were too busy assuring we have a place to live and the bills got paid."

But finger pointing we have down to a science.

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