
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Day 1403


Spent Saturday completely away from Sybil. You'd think a religion teacher, especially on Holy Saturday, would be well behaved. But remember Christmas: I got shit. So, in the am, ran, bumped into Dennis @ The Line. Was supposed to Spin, but no sub for the instructor, so off I went. Was a beautiful morning, shorts and gloves. Ran w/a peep who'd been dying for years to run with me-why I'll never know. Between his pace and my injury, ran/walked 3 miles. But had a blast. Then weights.

Had plans to hook up with make believe friends (pic below)for a concert later, so filled the rest of the day with movies. Had a really good day, then the evening was FUN!!! Ear shattering tunes, most bands fronm Queens, in a postage stamp sized venue.

A really good day!

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