
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, March 11, 2013

Day 1323

TOTAL bitch

Remember, didn't have one nanosecond of contact with the angry displacing hypocrite all weekend-it was great. Yesterday evening, It tries, first asked "how was your day," then the interrogation began, until, I told It I wasn't answering questions. It, literally, stormed off in a huff, pissed It couldn't pick a fight. go teach religion.

And yes, I DID get my picture taken with Brooooce, and yes, it will hang in my office where the bitch can't take it. Thank GOD I have a wonderful job.

This am, 40 degs-and yes, every electric heater IS on. Bake the house bitch. And they wonder why they perpetually sniffle?????????

Gonna get my miles and love every second.

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