
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Day 1318

"Please leave me $10?"

Does it not occur to him that no wallet=no $$$. Duh. If my peep hadn't loaned me some $ he'd have no lunch $-as we ALL know his mother won't pony up-plenty of $ for Snapple but if I don't get him lunch $ he'd havta mooch off his peeps. Enjoy the diabetes.

Got my miles, then hadda log extra gym time (Spin, Pilates, then Conditioning. Ouch!). Today's an off day-heading into nyc for a taping! Is that cool or what? Told Sybil, sure It'll pay no notice. That's ok. Doing it with two of my "make believe friends."

Got in, they were munching on Chinese food. Tough life.

-but I get hit on for $.

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