
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 1283


Soreness ALMOST gone. Quads were KILLING me after the 1/2, but, suck it up buttercup. At my run/walk pace, I have zero right to bitch. But, again, I DID finish.

Stoney? As quiet as can be expected.

Sybil? I come in, It's-again-@ a meeting. Does this one EVER do housework? Always compares me to everyone else, yet, completely disregards: normal homes have the wife cooking, cleaning, giving the breadwinner some return on their investment.

This is the part that slays me: it's ALL one way. I.E. "my friends say....." are they aware I have to completely fend for myself? food, clean clothes, everything. Not even mentioning decision making re: parenting. Remember when It fell to pieces when Stoney got busted? Meanwhile, feeling free to tear me a new one @ every turn. Yes, It treats me as Its emotional metamucil. Not having it.

When I came in last night, It was @ a meeting. For a solid 24 hours, didn't havta speak at all. A very good 24 hours.

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