
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 1280

Make this make sense

Last night, It that pleads poverty and Stoney head out to the movies, @ 10pm???????? THEN, I get up to head to NYC, Stoney's up. I ask which movie? He grunts in response. When pressed, gives a rude answer. THEN has the balls to hit on First Bank of Dad. Nothin' doin'. Ask Good Cop/It/Chinese food procurer. And HE places responsibility for food ("what am I supposed to eat?") ASK YOUR MOTHER, you know, the one who whines incessantly (on $1,000 a month) about keeping you clothed and fed.

But I'm the bad guy.

And no, it wasn't my brother who "loaned" It money, and yes, he knows It's devoid of any sense of responsibility.

I'm supposed to print money on demand, yet woe to me when I have the balls to actually (gasp!) eat anything from the fridge??????????? Go smoke boy.

So, today, the Manhattan Half. Sucked. Freezing cold, totally unprepared, unrested, unfed. And again, last night was the club dinner dance.

Being me SUCKED today.

BUT, I finished. Good.

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