
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 1274

Pure unadulterated bitch.

Hit The Line this am, got my miles, then...THEN.....(what I do because my knees won't allow for a long run)

1)Spin class
2)Express sts/total body conditioning
3)Power Pilates

The Spin class is only 45 minutes, even the instructor realizes it's like Spinnus Interruptus, use it as a warm up for the next class (for which the NEXT class is a cool down). THAT instructor is a pit bull, but like most instructors there, we have a symbiotic relationship. My presence in the class turns everything up a notch, and they in turn feed off it. We'll see next weekend if it paid off-Manhattan half. Always sucks, always the day after our dinner dance, but hey, I always finish.

Sybil, really on a tear. Since the early am, harassing-literally-me about a "truce." My response: truces are needed in war, this is not a war.

It goes to wherever It goes, comes back with the same shit, SCREAMING that I stole paper plates. Anybody remember Bogart in Caine Mutiny? Same exact shit. Frightening. Was literally in my face. Psycho. When Its not there, all is well. Tried throwing Stoney in the mix, to which even he answered-leave everything as it is. It, again, tried playing the "I'm sick" card. Enough. Been hearing that shit for 10 years. No one's buying it.

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