
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day 1263

Shit continues

come in yesterday, Stoney's on a tear. either It told him I spoke with my bro, or my bro made contact, either way, he was in a state.

And remember, HE screens MY computer. Asshole. Imagine. Not only does the little delinquent have zero respect, but zero boundaries. And hios mother? Nothing. Drives Precious to school and enables the shit outta him.

Wait 'til he needs help Monday.

HE is grilling ME re: "why'd you have to tell him..." Ok, now I understand. I must explain myself a)to a minor, b)to MY son. He doesn't owe anyone an explanation, but I must account for a discussion I had with my brother.


Spoiled asshole.

And It, useless. Has nothing to say, buries Its head in the sand.

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