
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 1259

THIS is punishment????

He's in the house all day, apparently grounded-for one day, yet still has his cell phone-when he goes to court, his mother is now offocially an accesssory. Nicely done. AND, it takes him out to eat and a movie? THIS is punishment????? And yes, it IS a slap in my face: I don't get even a fucking Christmas card and magically $$$$$ for movies and BK is not a prob. Really. Oh, of course, I'm bad cop.

Fuck 'em both. While it claims to be working a 12 step program, I actually am. I towed the line, painful as it can be. It enables, him, I'm bad cop.

And remember, he loves vandalism. I hadda point out to It that he'd punched the bathroom door, best of all, DURING Its WATCH!!!!! The morbning after, as mommy was getting ready to drive darling baby enabled boy to school (17 and still get driven to school???), as It was attempting to enforce a rule, he punched the door. Really glad I did all this work to rehab the house-in freezing weather, only to have Stoney vandalize it and It not give a fuck.

Ho ho fucking ho.

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