
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 1273

Close, but no.

HAD the start of a great day, until.....

Hit The Line-FREEZING, felt like 20's, then Spin @ the Gym. Good so far.

Unfortunately, headed to Toxichouse. It was there (remember, this was around 9am). Tore me a new one. Why? Displaced anger. It thought It had religion showered, headed to church, no classes this week. Thus, I'm an asshole for (gasp!!!) actually making a sound after 9am in my own house! But wait, there's more!

Look for my clippers to cut my hair, gone. The other day I came in, the bag in which they were contained was on the floor. Hmmm...musta been the dog. Of course I look for 'em under Stoney's bed, what do I find, a water pipe!!! Can't WAIT 'til his next arrest.

Best of all, HE calls ME to task for discussing it with his mother! I'm actually to blame here, thinking the BITCH would realize a parental conversation is not to be shared with a child. I know, imagine my idiocy!!!!!


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