
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, October 22, 2011

day 818

well done

not GREAT, but well done.

Did the Prospect Park 10k, the inaugural race from the peeps who do the Rock n' Roll Marathons. It was fun. Prospect Park is NEVER easy, my time SUCKED, but I ran it all, no walk breaks. AND it was 2 loops-which I HATE. Not inexpensive-$60, but a medal and way cool shirt! To top it off, who introduced the race, Marty Markowitz, who quoted the latest GQ which named Brooklyn the "coolest city." I disagree, nyc IS where it's at, but Brooklyn is close. Nice to run by the bandshell, echoes of concerts past. Also, well provisioned-liquid Gu @ mile 3.5. Nice. PLENTY of crap afterwards. Elik did it as well-he smoked the course. On the other hand, he doesn't have a 4m manana.

Came home, Stoney asking for razors. I'd had a stash, It discovered them, all of a sudden I'm fair game. No dice. Told him to hold Shebitch to Its responsibilities. Hurt like hell to say no to him, but he has to understand. (though I DID salve my conscience by buying him Taco Bell).

Of course, It left him alone all day, frozen pizza in the fridge. Ahhhhhhh memories.........

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