
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, October 9, 2011

day 805

you can't make up stuff this good.

Was tempted to stay overnight in Brooklyn. Why? Did a 10k in Bed Stuy in the am, 5k in Greenpoint in the pm, so it WOULD'A been easier, but no. Made the mistake of going home.

But don't lets get ahead of ourselves.

Took the LIRR into Brooklyn predawn. DAMN! To think I used to do that every day. Looks like post-apocalyptic New York. What a hole! But, went down Nostrand ave to find the run. Previously I'd driven. Crucial error. The race was on FULTON!!!! Shit. Of course, I was hours early, no prob. Now, I'd let this race fall off the rader because the organizers are assholes, but the cause is cool. Plus, it's in 'da hood. Last time I did it, it was hand scored, my time didn't register. Was regged to do the Staten Island half, but fuck Staten Island-pain in the ass coming in AND leaving. Also, Michele was @ this race, one of the peeps. So, did the run, did ok. Caught her with 1200 metres to go, actually stopped @ 200m to let her pass. It was only fair.

Then, off to Greenpoint. The pig-a-thon. Really a glutfest. DP was there, thank God, otherwise I would'a felt horribly alone. Though this WAS where I picked up my uber cool folding bike, The Tank. She doesn't think she did well, but kicked my ass. Then again, I did the am run. Was nice to hang with someone with a brain. Drove me back to the job, then home I went.

Big mistake/good thing. Why? Stoney has a party tonight. Shebitch couldn't find Its checkbook, guess who ponied up $$$. THAT'S not the prob, the prob is: if I hadn't have come home, he was gonna tell the babe he was sick, and thus miss out. All because Shebitch is a useless cunt. Really. And you wonder if this is fiction.

Good thing I came home. First Bank of Dad to the rescue.

***And again, GREAT after party in Greenpoint. Had murder burgers, a cookie, olive loaf, and part of a 6 foot hero. All the shit I NEVER eat. Yummmmmm.

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