
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, October 2, 2011

day 798


Did the Forest Park 5k, an event I had no business doing.

Woke up this am, rain, again. FUCK! But then, it stopped. YAY!!!!! After the half yesterday, there COULD be worse things, but alas, was not to be. The precip stopped, and off I went.

Knew at least one peep would be there, turns out there were 2. Good. Hadda represent. They're our sister club. Unfortunately, too many others went their seperate ways. I miss when clubs were together. Fuck 'em, we were there.

Not the usual course, that one's a 4m. Good. Tough enough as it was, but, no walk breaks. Bumped into a renegade before the run, great to always have a peep wherever you go, and Irish Joe. Lovely really. Great people. *Side note: even yesterday, in the pouring rain in nyc, literally bumped into Evan. Amazing, friends everywhere.

Really one for the memories. When Shebitch first was in the hospital, I have a pic of Stoney in the bleachers on his gameboy. you know it was some time ago 'cause Howie was running.

Turned out to be a beautiful day. Glad I went.

Home? Stoney still in his pajamas, Shebitch nowhere to be found (ahhhh memories of Sundays) an empty container of ice cream in the garbage. Glad I paid for that gym memberbship.

Texted, mms'd, bbm'd Lisa asking about the Diva thing. No answer.

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