
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, October 14, 2011

day 810

I could get used to this!

Had the choice between 2 shows last night, timed it juuust right, did both!!!

First, Indigo Girls @ The Beacon. Was ready to bail on this one due to the other concert, but knew the other one had 3 opening acts. Good thing I followed my instincts: EIGHTH FUCKING ROW!!!!! Wow. And of course, the concert was amazing-how could it not be.

Then off to The Gramercy for Marky Ramone. God bless him for keeping the music going. Note for note (they weren't virtuosos-that was the point-3 chord rock) Ramones. He could be doing a million things right now, he's makin' music. God bless him. Though my hearing suffered, blissfully :).

Between the 2 concerts lots of memories. Indigo Girls @ Rumsey Playfield(THAT was lovely, with a beautiful person-made being alone painful thereafter), the Beacon-WAY too many shows there, wrapping it: R-A-M-O-N-E-S!!!!! Yummmmmm.

Then to the West Side Y, showered and crashed big. Woke up in the middle of the night-SERIOUS rain, but by the time I got outta bed-6:40, it'd stopped. Good. Did a loop of Central Park, and now, chillax.

Nice one God, thanks!!!!

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