
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 2079


Another peaceful night.

Came in, 12:40am, Stoney pulls up with his peeps-VERY well behaved peeps, but clearly stoned.

Bitch? Who cares, not there, hence, a peaceful night.

A lovely weekend, got good sleep, no raging, no psychosis. Worked out (thank GOD for the gym in this weather).

Again, GREAT talking with Pedrito. What Bitch doesn't understand: I'm not the bad guy, stop being a victim and misrepresenting. Notice: basement-covered in crap. Living room-covered in crap. Dining room-covered in crap. Bitches about "you need to give me money," yet, HOW much is on Its Kohl's card balance? Yet, It continues shopping. The fridge: full of frozen crap and Entenmenns....but I need counseling........

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