
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Day 2059


Yin: sleeping in my own bed

Yang: Now Sybil SCREAMS when I'm trying to sleep.

Bitch IS crazy.

Came in, few speedbumps, but do-able. It screaming that It will sit in on MY therapy sessions (??????), etc......This is what you call conditional love/poor mental health. (sitting in on another's therapy? HOW fucking nuts ARE you???).

Stoney, of course, uses this to his advantage. As It rages at me, he has his peeps over, smoking upstairs. Convenient isn't it?

Part of Its rage? It maxxed out a credit card paying for his tuition. Let THAT sink in. He was given over $21,000. Where'd THAT go??? He has a job, where does THAT $$$$$ go????

But, no mention of his behavior that led to the domestic hellfire of the other day. Easier to portray me as Satan. Villainize me, escape responsibility. As Its friendds buy all Its bullshit.

Imagine, the one who claims I need therapy makes it a point to SCREAM and bang shit around in an attempt to keep me from sleeping.

...but I need counseling.............

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