
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Day 2071


Hope Its religion class went well. Stoney sleeping elsewhere for the past 2 nights. Asked Bitch where he was, It shrugged. When Pedrito asked what happened to all his Target pay, Its response: "I dunno." BUT, It wants my bank account digits.

Amazing what a sick mind will do.

...but I need counseling.....

As It amasses more debt. Buying crap. As I work, daily, happy to do so.

So, what WOULD JEEEEZUS do? Didn't the bible teach that EVERYTHING we do should be done with a smile? Whether cleaning a toilet, managing a nation, of sucking a dick, do everything with all   your heart. It? Begrudges everything.

Remember when Stoney needed lunch money? If I didn't provide it, did he have anything? Pedrito's response? Don't you guys have peanut butter? No, Precious couldn't do that. And though Bitch is connected to Its Snapple bottle, did It ONCE provide lunch $$$ No, he hadda tell lunch lady he'd bring it tomorrow. As it guzzled Snapple, he was left hanging. Point being: if I didn't handle it, it didn't happen. Useless Bitch.

Great to put your kid in such a position.

Enjoy your snapple. Enjoy your debt.

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