
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Day 2066

Deja vu?

Last night, It on a tear. Why? I walked in (12:30am), asked if it would be an imposition if It would lower the volume on the tv (it was BLASTING, as in: nursing home volume). THAT was the excuse it needed to lose it. Sick Bitch.

Of course Stoney had his peeps upstairs (what, sleep after midnight???). So Ms.AA got to see a procession of peeps come and go to, alternately, smoke, buy wine, drink Four Loco, etc...the shit peeps do. As I tried to sleep.

...but I need counseling.......
This am? T-Bone #3. As I pull into a parking lot, minivan mom pulls out. Boom! another one bites the dust-30 minutes after the dealer called to say "I have some good news, some bad news." Fuck me.

Livin' the dream.

But wait! there's MORE!!!!!

Guess what garage got vandalized?

My stuff in the den is missing/vandalized. the stuff in my closet is missing/vandalized, the garage is vandalized.

...but I need counseling.....

Sick motherfuckers. Go teach religion, tell us all what Jeeeeeezus would smoke, oops, do. then scream @ your husband as he comes in from work.

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