
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, February 13, 2015

Day 2069

Truly amazing!

Bitch calls Pedrito whining, this time, about heat. Now, doesn't winter happen every year? For HOW many years have we NOT had oil? Since It decided to contribute ZERO $ to the bills. That's the ONLY bill I don't pay, hence, It puts electric heaters everywhere. If the place was cold, would Stoney's gf stay overnight?

Which brings us to our next topic. Stoney. Did he attend college last semester? Did he put $ aside for THIS semester, or did it go off in a cloud of smoke? THESE points are finally dawning upon Pedrito.

...but I need counseling...

It FINALLY had an honesty slip: said the only nice room in the house and I have it. Now, let THAT sink in. It controls the basement, dining room, living room and bedroom. I have the den and the garage. So, naturally, It wants to fuck THAT up.

...but I need counseling.....

Remember when I had the den repaired? It's response: It was PISSED I wouldn't let it be a hangout for Stoney and his weed peeps. REALLY BITCH?

Enjoy your debt. You earned it.

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