
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, August 1, 2014

Day 1873

Mensa mensa.

Doin' ok. Did a policy yesterday, guy didn't have means of payment. He asked me to return this am. Makes me nuts-do you go to a restaurant, eat, and promise payment the next day? But, we'll see what happens. Be positive.

Got my miles, manana rain expected, we'll see. Missed Monday, breaking a consecutive streak. This is why I don't take days off. I'm used to hitting the gig daily, knowing what to anticipate, knowing my agenda. With this gig, you must be uber flexible, never knowing what's coming next. It's anything but predictable. THAT doesn't bother me, but the sense of not having accomplishing anything irks me. With this gig, your accomplishment is registered only in dollar signs. As we all know, there's more to life than that. With running, my head's right, I'm healthy, and a day (or more) that doesn't generate profit leaves me undeterreed.

Take for example this week. Had a couple of good days, but remember when I was with my first TM, we had up to 2 WEEKS with no profit to show for it. Now, things are moving, I'm a bit more used to how to make things happen, and I have a mental plan daily.

I got my miles, I'm good. We'll see what the day brings.

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