
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 1206

Better than expected!

Ok, yesterday I call, folowing a call from my fixit guy. $800 to fix the gate!!!!! All because Uber Bitch couldn't be bothered remembering to close it properly. AND, adding insult to injury, Stoney clueless re: sure, just print up some $.

Turns out, he cleared some tree branches from the fence. Turns out the Stoner ain't totally useless.

AND, as Its birthday was yesterday, It was on Its better behavior.

Not worth $800, but not bad.

Tonight, run. Not my usual predawn run, but can't do THAT with the threat of a fallen tree poking my eye out. I'll scope it this evening (we have a club meeting tonight), so it'll be a win win all around.

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