
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Day 1203

Borrowed time

Like most things, neither Stoney nor Sybil listen, so they must deal with the result. I.E. I planned to seal off the back door, make the den a mancave. They FREAKED!!!!! They'd no longer be able to access Grand Central station. Sho' 'nuff, they can't anyway since they broke the door. Now that it's shut, opening it risks the possibility of NOT being able to again close it. If only they'd listened. It gets better-if they'd walked the fucking dog THEY wanted this wouldn't be an issue. Nope, easier to throw him in the backyard and let me clean the shit.

IF Bitch closed the gate properly, it wouldn't have blown off in the storm. But no, THAT'S somehow my fault as well.

Good. Fuck 'em.

Last night It took him to the movies. Let that sink in. A 17 year old taken to the movies by someone OTHER than a girlfriend. Couldn't be our local theater-he was embarassed to be seen by his peeps. Rightfully so.

So, I'm gonna be out $500 at least to get this goddamned fence fixed. and MY return on investment? I will again have my den turned into Grand Central Station.

Last night? Before leaving, It FREAKS that I was using Its blanket. Bastard ain't I? I'm talkin', RIPPED it off me. Bitch IS nuts.

No, it isn't easy.

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