
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 1186


This am, got my miles. Ran, briefly, with my main Dim Sum peep. Made like I needed to whizz. Why? Needed to slow down. This guy was smokin' me!!!!! AND he's 67!!!!! DAYUM. Really a helluva guy. And I found out his secret/why he smokes me: he's NORMAL! He runs 2-3x weekly. Rested bastard ;)  . He doing The Big One as well, looking to come in around 5. I plan to come in 'round Sunday.

This am is typical of this time of year. Cool, not cold, 50-ish. Perfect shorts and long sleeves, with the ability to NOT stank up your stuff/get another day's wear outta it.

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