
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

day 122

grey skies, cool-not bad temps, rain coming. Ugh. Not good.

Last night, brother-the one taking Keith for thanksgiving, the one aiding and abetting Shebitch, rings the door in the evening. Claimed It was trying to reach Keith. Under the guise of asking how he was, It really wanted him to get an article of clothing for it. Not once in his drive by did he ask for me nor indicate his presence in my house. Wonder why I have the perception I do?????

Got Stoney's report card:

Global History: 75, "Inconsistent work/grades, homework missing."
World of Tech: 71, "Satisfactory Achievement."
Spanish: 74, "Lacks focus."
Algebra: 94, "Satisfactory Achievement."
Phys Ed: 86, "Satisfactory Achievement."
Liv.Environment: 77, "Good effort, keep trying."
English: 65, "Shows Improvement."
Studio In Art: 90, "Good work, a pleasure to teach your child."

So...I don't have to kill him...yet. What striked me is the obvious: 94 in friggin' Algebra, yet 65 in English. Granted, it IS honors English, but whatthefuck??? Shows he can do well when he chooses to. Thank GOD, after his shit progress report, he pulled out of it.

LOTS of work, of which only I'm aware. And you, of course, but I think you get the point. My "family," has the luxury of judging from afar, while doing...ummm...what's that word: oh yes, NOTHING.

Core training tonight-might stick around for boot camp. Chase away the feeling of loss/empty nest w/o Stoney there. Know I'll miss the lil' fucker.

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