
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, November 21, 2009

day 118

seemed like a good idea @ the time.

AP had their Back Alley 5k today, I hadda pass-5k manana, and with the bad knee, can't chance a cross country the day before a hilly race. So...what did I do?

First went to the Back Alley to be with the peeps. Was WONDERFUL. Not ONE of the Quantumbrickfeetwell peeps-did THEY boycott????? But plenty of people showed. Perfect day for a race too, 45 degs, cool for standing, great for running. And with the turnout-if you showed up, you had a pretty good chance of placing. Nice. Great people.

So...how did I make up for not running? Hockey. Dumbass. What's one of the worst things you can do with a bad knee (be on a hard surface) let alone arthritis (be on a hard COLD surface), but hey, I didn't run! Helluva good time. Kept up my record of most penalty minutes (in a friendly scrimmage mind you ;) ).

Wrapped up the day by seeing Blind Side. made up for the New Moon CRAP. Did I mention New Moon IS CRAP????? Blind Side= excellent.

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