
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, March 12, 2009


thank G it's over.

A REALLY good conference, but 3 days is 3 days. Too much work in the mere logistics. Drive to Queens, run St.Francis, shower, drive to Brentwood. Jeeeeeeez. To be fair, could'a run the Suffolk 1/2 course, that's where the training was-close to it-across the street from Suffolk C.C. But, St.Francis course more of a challenge. The shit we do.

THEN, Spike e mailed something for me to print. Our printer is dead as Shebitch got cheap cartridges, rendering the printer dead. So, he emails and I print @ the job. Of course, after running, conferencing, driving, I come home to "did you print...?" WHAT??? I was told it was due Monday. So, BACK into the truck, off to The Job, print this crap, come home. Finally. NOW can I fucking rest????? Has It EVER checked his homework??? Not once in his entire life, let alone help with it. And for this, I'm SURE It will again come home from work and awaken me with raginbg screams. Pray. Really. Pray.

When I'm up against it, I often-in desperation, wish I had someone like me in my life I could lean on. @ those moments, I remember what it-in the end-amounts to: only one person goes in the box. Yes, things get tough, so what.

...so it goes.....

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