
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, March 26, 2009

the end's in sight

homestretch there kiddies! We're alllllmost in!

St.Francis this am, duh, NICE temps, we're getting there! Shorts, hooded sweatshirt, goves which I took off on the way back.

Now, gotta decide, do the 1/2 on sunday or no? If so, prep for THE MOST boring run in history, yes, worse than the LI marathon. But, a half IS a half. Mitigating factor: rain/thunder predicted.

In the meantime...Shebitch out, quiet night. G DOES exist!!! (downside of It being out: if YOU were out 'til 11, you'd mind the noise level-not here. Here they sleep by day and are up 'til G knows when). Hey, a quiet evening is a quiet evening.

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