
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, March 7, 2009

payback's a what???

ok, did the Manhattan half some time ago, came in @ 1:54. People doubted. Ok, fuck 'em. I knew I could do it, just usually don't wanna run til my knees bleed.

Today, King's Park: 1:28!!!!! EAT THAT!!!!! REALLY HAPPY (in case you didn't guess).

Wasn't even gonna do it, regged yesterday. Was s'posed to be Tom and I, he decided (smartly at that) he wouldn't be able to get enough rest as he was taking his kid to the movies yesterday. Ok, so Lock, Rettmer, Eric, Fran, Nella, Dave, Vince, Sue, Ken, and I repped the green. College Point was there too. Cool. Quantum wasn't anywhere to be found, but we're not gonna beat a dead horse.

WARM for a run, 54 degs @ start. Wow. Who could'a believed it was snowing earlier in the week. NICE turnout, reconnected with the usual suspects. Nice to relive old days-this was one of the first Steve and I did, memories of Cow Harbor as I drove in in the am. Think of him daily, my bro.

Ok, so, intended to use this as a good training run. So much for that idea. Ken and I brought up the rear, the rest of the Striders way in front. Both of us agreeing the view was better (hee hee). Actually ran a few miles with Maria. THAT was when I knew I was doing ok. I couldn't resist asking if she was recently Tonya Harding'd/crippled. She said she lagged during winter, not much running, so was using this as a training run (my story too, and I'm sticking to it!!!). Fun running with a star-actually finished ahead of her. She MUST be crippled.

Took the hills ok, few walk breaks but made up for it on the downhills. REALLY warm for a run. Spoke with Tom on the phone prerace, he was missed. Reconnected with all the "do my race or I'll be pissed" long island peeps. Big bird asked me to pull him through a hill (ME pull HIM???).

So, why's 1:28 so good? Extrapolate it. 1:28 on 9.3 PROVES I didn't mess with the Manhattan half. Again, feel good about myself with it, if I wanted to, I could've done 1:15, but why????? I wanna run manana. Add to this: in '03 I did the East Northport 10m Classic (since defunct). Came in @ 1:46:30. Imagine, I still had knees then and came in WAY worse. St.Francis paid off.

(I like me, I really really like me). This too shall pass, sure Shebitch will see to that. (speaking of which, It gave me It's Social Security forms for income tax. Guess how much It received for Keith? $8,500. WHY????? It has a mental health diagnosis-which It has never revealed to me, ok, back down to earth now. Homeostasis achieved).

Spoke with Pret. Should'a been @ King's Park with the rest of us, but hadda to 13. Bullshit excuse to not do Kings Park-if you really wanna do something, you do it, but I get it. If my Striders weren't there I might've not done it......NOT I've always been a loner, it's just that my world of solitude now includes my peeps. Pret was missed. So it goes.........

more eye candy below, Brit-yummy.

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