
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, March 29, 2009

the streak continues!!!

(REALLY dangerous way to think, but...)

RAIN this am, lots of it, yet weather peeps say it'll be gone by 8. So, woke up, got outta bed, n' OUTTA HERE. To The Parkhouse, still raining, but dissipating. Yes, WAS tempted to go to Suffuck, but no. If I want a boring run, I'll use other options, otherwise, need my peeps. You KNOW the Suffuck half is a nowhere run when even News 12-which will provide coverage of a puddle-didn't even cover it. 366 runners did the half, 125 the 5k. Amazing. Why bother.

Sho' 'nuf, by 8:30/9am, down to a mist, the peeps gather. Amazing, few things stop us. Even they that ran long yesterday. Most showed today. Wow.

So, St.Francis today. Yesterday, ran with Sue and Debbie, today, Laughlin. THAT'S the key, I can keep pace with him as long as he runs 20 the day prior. Got it.

Another wonderful weekend, take great pride in my peeps, great source of reassurance. Stan hit it on the head when he saw me @ the bagel place: "Oh, you stopped in, you're afraid you MIGHT like it." This whole social thing's not bad. These humans I read of, a wonderful bunch. So, explain Shebitch. Oh yes, Yin/Yang. Got it.

*****Sunshine Cleaning=this season's Slumdog. WONDERFUL film.

Now..gotta go carve initials into that tree. Lucky tree.

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