
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

my world

a minute spent in my shoes (this is NOT fiction):

soundly sleeping when mental female enters the house @ night, starts making WAY too much noise for that hour, wakes you up from a sound sleep by SCREAMING inches from your face, not getting the fight It wants, taking your guitar, throwing it, taking your laptop, throwing it. Oh, almost forgot, using Keith, as in "we're sick of....." "Even your son....." could anything be more painful? As if having my guitar and laptop thrown didn't hurt. Bitch. Pure psycho bitch.

THIS is my world.

When you go to sleep @ night, do you have to fear a psycho breaking into your house to go off inches from your face? This is my reality. When your work day ends, you look forward to.....I look forward to nothing, merely minimizing damage. I pray Keith realizes I could'a/should'a walked years ago.

Last night It starts with It's usual crap-adding the throwing of treasured items. Add to this one of the topics of the screaming: I should leave the house. Right. Topic two: my running. Surreal. It claimed It was going to court today to get an order of Idunnowhat. It doesn't realize, such an order could NOT evict me, that It needs proof re: any alleged abuse, and...in the end...an order of Idunnowhat could ONLY benefit ME. IT would lose the right to SCREAM me out of a sound sleep.

So...yes, St.Francis this am. Cool morning, low 50's late 40's. Nice. Ran into Rettmer @ the tennis courts-he beginning his run, me ending mine.

So yes, Virginia, drove to Queens, showered, then out to Brentwood. Hey, if you ran you'd understand.

Pray for It's death. Preferably painful. The only things that keep me going: the knowledge that I'm here for Keith, and knowing that It is one miserable bitch.

.......they're off to find the hero of the day.................

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