
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, March 14, 2009

answered prayers

in COMPLETE desperation, the other day I prayed for someone like me, as in: a get it done non whining/non psycho. Lo' n' behold, got it!!! The gr 11 @ my job heard about my step in front, VOLUNTEERED with his cousin to come ON HIS OWN TIME and fix it. Money never figuring into the equation. I'm @ the race this am, Keith calls saying he's there, they're on their way to Lowe's, it'll be done. THANK YOU GOD!!! Not only is the broken step fixed, the one above it as well. No more notes from the mailman. No more bitching from Shebitch or It's C**T friends. What amazes me is: even my BROTHER gave me the "you should fix it" bullshit-irrespective of whatever drama the Toxichouse contained. Like the step was even on the rader considering every day is in survival mode. NO ONE offered their assistance, except my peep. Bless him. G exists, grab an atheist. AND, fuck It's friends. Not a ONE offered to help.

Did the race esta manana-nothing great, but it DID cap out @ 5,000. Little wonder, a beautiful day. EVEN found a parking spot-no small feat for sat in nyc.

Thanks G, you put the right people in my path when I needed it most. Whod'a thought a dumbass step would mean so much.

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