
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Friday, January 9, 2009


had the bored meeting, meet the new boss.......not too painful. Really a good bunch of people. Biggest news was old bored voting on club awards. Following a puff of white smoke, the new bored was allowed to join us and things got rolling. I DID chide Ken for not being a better (a.k.a. do it MY way") editor/censor, allowing that negative article. That's democracy for 'ya.

Membership meeting also went well, some fight, really good stuff. Then we had Mr.Wall Street as our speaker, I won!!!! You hadda guess-last year-what the market would close @ in 365 days. Cool. And, it got better!!! Tom invited me to Vermont in May. The slight hitch-to do Vermont City. His bro has a place there! No cost room n' board. I'm there. Few weeks after Long Island, so shouldn't be a prob. Shades of Quebec!

Got home, Keith fighting not to shower. Shebitch backing him up. Surreal, I hadda lecture It on parenting/reinforcing good habits. Everything's a fucking fight, jeeeez. THEN, my miracle of the day, he got up 1/2 hour early...to...SHOWER!!! Well done sir. Shebitch enables and he STILL does the right thing. Yes, we ARE related.

St.Francis this am, cooooold, but good. Got my miles in for the week. Tonight, take Spike to see how a REAL man handles things (Gran Torino).

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