
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

deja vu

tonight snow...again. Wassup wit 'dat G??? This is getting to be a pattern. Race weekends, jump back into the game, then...SHIT. Hopefully it won't be too bad, but they say snow tonight, 2-4 inches, then rain/sleet. Lovely.

St.Francis this am, not too bad. Sheets of ice on the overpasses, but otherwise ok. GREAT running weather.

Busy weekend coming up. Nice.

Manana, dunno. See how it plays out this evening.

***FINALLY, a witness. Speaking to Pret on the phone-or more exactly, attempting to. "Attempting" because Shebitch was on a tear (I actually had the NERVE to put something in a cabinet in the kitchen and expected it to stay there, the nerve of me). So, It went off, big time. Pret asking "she sounded like she was on crack." THANK YOU GOD. I finally have a witness. Thought I was making this stuff up didn't ya? (Can you imagine, I pay the mortgage and have the cojones to expect some say in where something is kept in a cabinet??? Truly earthshaking material here. So much for It's 12 step "Serenity" bullshit. If It's friends could have heard It.

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