
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

hump day

done it, check.

St.Francis: check. In THIS weather, it's quite an accomplishment. Fresh snow, slush, melted snow. The beauty of it was the feeling of being the first person on earth. Yours are the first and only footprints. Really beautiful.

Of course, you gots'ta lose the layers ASAP when you get inside, otherwise, you're a soaked dog. But DAYUM it was nice. And the temps? Really could'a gotten away with long sleeves and shorts, but let's don't freeze the giblets.

Pret perspectivized it: gave the quads quite the workout. You feel as though you did a xc run. The extra energy used to really lift your legs works the quads. GREAT for the knees, but sore elsewhere.

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