
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, January 1, 2009

...and what have you done?

so we have January 1. And what did last year bring? Lots of good things. The website is finally up and running, 6,000 + hits. Nice. Races are put there I didn't know about. Pesa deserves a paycheck. Really impressive. Many have commented on it. NOW the club is REALLY on the map.

The race attracted a large crowd, we advertised in Footnotes, got good press from them, and did the active.com thing. Again, nice.

Our roadtrip was a ROARING success. Really helped make my year.

The club itself has fresh members. I'd be elated if we broke 300 but...

Failure: thebluepeoplewhoshouldcallaspadeaspadeandjoinaREALclub STILL won't do the right thing. They show up for our club runs etc...but won't join. I don't get it. Actually I do, there is that aspect of seperatism that lingers. Oh well, we press on. We'll just have to put a toll on The Line.

Today, 4 miles on The Line just to show my face on New Years, and complete the second leg of the triple crown. Then, this pm off to the Republic Airport 5k. Before that, went to see Doubt. GREAT movie. Really took me back to a simpler time. Not necessarily better, but simpler, i.e. when nuns were nuns etc... You didn't have to think for yourself, just do as you're told because God wants it that way etc...Even the bell signaling the end of one class and beginning of another. REALLY captured that period.

Then, the Republic run. Surprising how many people had the knit hat from the midnight run, yet didn't do the run. I'd be embarassed. Nonetheless, a nice way to cap off the beginning of another year.

and so this is Christmas, and what have we done? Another year over, a new one's just begun.

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