
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, January 31, 2009

1/2 way there

did Long Beach. Nice to again see the Long Island peeps. THIS was the beginning of the advertising age-i.e.bring Our Race apps to each race. Today Rick Secor said he'd be there. Baby steps, I'll take it.

Terry gave me the raffle I won-and he was kind enough to put aside-from the Ho Ho Ho. Gift cert for Runner's Edge! As if his kindness wasn't cool enough, something I can actually USE!

Actually missed running The Line this am, could'a used the miles, but I'm sure The Line is still frozen. Needs at least one more day.

Nothing spectacular today, I finished. Really should'a done better on a 4m flat course, but what the hell. Funny thing though, people who weren't @ the half last week commenting on my time. Funny. When you're slow, people don't mention it. When you RACE, they think something's amiss. Somne people don't get it. I know I can do it when I need to, you know I can do it when I need to, 'nuff said.

Funny look on Shebitch's face as I was getting dressed for tonight: "Where are you going?" To which I didn't respond. After labeling me a "sociopathic, childlike, controlling, self-centered, egomaniac," It lost the privilege of knowing my whereabouts. Not to mention going to dinner with Keith, leaving me in the dust. And yes, It's right windshield wiper is STILL broken-4 months later. I love it. Payback's a what???

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