
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, January 10, 2009

1 down, 8 to go!

Did the Lebow run. Brrrrrrr.

Woke up predawn. Plan WAS to park @ Queensboro Br, take the train. But, as I was up too early, figured wtf, may as well go n' hunt for a spot. Lo n' behold, right across from the NYRR front door. Nice. Hooked up with Tom, we were on our way.

(note to self: use indoor bathrooms when possible, certain body parts weren't meant for exposure to sub freezing temps).

Did ok, not great, but didn't totally suck, 9:17 mile. Tom of course smoked-nice. Fast Eddie was in between, outstanding for a 61 yr old.

Then, off to The Parkhouse for a cool down. Total 7 miles. Was weird to do the race then see the peeps, but reassuring.

Snow, I got your snow right here!!! A mere dusting...for now.

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