
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Seroquel and Effexor

Breakfast of champions? No, Shebitch's main diet. It's back on meds, apparently It either ran out or decided not to take them. Yes I explained to Keith that Mommy isn't Mommy when It doesn't medicate. He needs to know. Ahhh, memories.

Got my 86th. on. Weather predicted showers, when I left Toxichouse it was dry, figured I'd park @ the Y, do that voodoo that I do, then shower. Got the first part of my run on, then poof! REAL FUNNY G!!!!! Oh well, felt good actually, very good for my pace! Hate the flatter, shorter runs, but hey-it's something.

Got the BSA run Thurs. This one's special. Terrific peeps, a wonderful cause.

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