
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, May 25, 2008

seemed like a good idea @ the time

did Long Beach 10m. Felt good. Saw some peeps, Vince, Sue, Rob, Tom, Debbie, and the usual Islander suspects. Nice turnout, GREAT weather-though a bit warm. Didn't resort to walking any of it, less than a 1/2 on a flat surface agrees with most. AND they had one of my faves: deli coupons!!! $5. Nice. So, hung out for a bit, then off to the rec center to sauna/shower, ahhhhhhhhh. THEN, off to the Deli and that coooool store a few doors down.

Long Beach itself is a strange bird. Kind'a like Malverne or Garden City, but less $$$ and less attitude. Very nice areas, some affordable areas, but they keep to themselves. REALLY nice turnout spectator-wise. Any run that starts @ 8 doesn't expect too many people to cheer, but this one had a very neighborhoody feeling-as opposed to the Wall Street Run where I actually overheard one asshole utter "whoever put this on should be shot." Fuck you and everyone who looks like you. I'll remember HIS words when the market takes a nosedive, and he as well from the top of his office. Putz.

Went to the coooool store, got a few books, a few cd's. How ANYONE can walk out empty handed, haven't a clue. Went to drop off the booty in the truck, to head back out to the deli. Backed outta my spot, in the process of going from rev to for, when boom. Not BOOM, but boom. Pinhead backing out with his head up his ass hits my fender. DAYUMMM! My baby's hurt! Not really a biggie. Called LB PD, they were there in 5 mins, we decided to settle it amongst ourselves. Why do I get the feeling this won't end up well? Karma struck? KNEW I was enjoying Shebitch's keylessness a bit TOO much. Still, gotta lovethe irony-she demanded my spare set, now can't find either. Worth a fender bender's worth of karma.

Tomorrow, the YIJE 5k. Legs feel ok, knees too. So far so good. A weird one. Starts @ 10:30. Oy vey!

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