
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Day 2176

TOTAL Bitch!

Had an epic day. Did the 10k, hung with the peeps in Manhattan, hit a meeting. So far so good.

Entered Toxichouse, first quiet-then.....all hell broke loose!

(Bitch broke into the garage, nice. Enjoy. Everything can be replaced-I have no debt, Bitch).

It's FREAKING over bills. No shit???? STOP SPENDING.

It, literally, gave me no peace. First, railing against my "coming and going as I please." Like It doesn't??????? This, while screaming that I have no right to spend any time there??? (yet enjoys the cable for which I pay???). Basically, mental Bitch on meth. (funny, It isn't taking the meds It used to).

Then, alleging I refinanced for personal gain. Moron signed off on the documents, conveniently forgetting it was done to take advantage of lower interest rates-during the period in which It ceased contributing to bills.

THEN, screaming that I didn't give Stoney money. Forget the earnings he smokes daily. Forget that if he didn't, he could single handedly pay for his education. No, blame me. Typical of a moron who has-now-a white trash backyard. Piece of shit car in the driveway, because It's afraid of getting ticketed/booted-again. Another piece of shit in the driveway, again, neither parked in the street because of ticketing/booting. (ummmm, PAY your tickets???? DON'T get tickets??? Fucking moron. Funny, who's to blame for THEM???? Couldn't find a way to blame ME for tickets????). Let's conveniently forget that I pay EVERY household bill. As I asked the mental case repeatedly, "tell me when to cancel cable, and I'll gladly give you the money." Moron.

Golf this am, then the run this evening. Retirement is good!!!

(imagine, after trashing the garage, having the balls to demand I sign off on a loan? Good luck Bitch!)

It makes HOW MUCH from disability + off the books income, yet STILL has nothing-while contributing NOTHING to bills???

Fucking nut job.

I can fix the garage door, Bitch'd STILL be mental.

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