
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Day 2169

Again I ask: WTF???

Had a VERY good sat, ran well, then chilled. Came in, more Haagen Dazs empties in the garbage-none saved for me (how's that abscess? Got any Snapple???). THEN, selfish mental Bitch has the tits to ask for something?  1)fix the back door asshole! You know, the one you promised to replace as my birthday gift? The one currently held together with duct tape??? (could you BE more White Trash???)   2)fix the front door-now in as bad shape as the back. Gee, slamming a door breaks it???

So-again-went out to dinner. Every time Haagen Dazs is purchased and eaten, leaving none for me, I go out to dinner. Fuck 'em.

Then, when any further demand is made-or my belongings vandalized, I'm cutting off cable. Why should I pay for something when I'm not allowed to enjoy it?

Did the 10m this am, bbq later.

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