
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Day 2154


Came in, air conditioner on the bed. Thanks Stoney. Bitch got to you didn't It??????? THEN, my belongings in the den fucked with. Remember, this is as person who FREAKED because I (GASP) threw out a plastic bag that was on his floor. But it's ok to fuck with dad's stuff. I'm told "you have too much shit there." Who's the homeowner? Who's the parent?

Bitch RANTING about...whatever. You know the drill, "when I had chemo..." "when I was in the hospital....." TEN + YEARS AGO BITCH!!!!! ALSO, who paid every motherfucking bill? Cleaned the house? Assured Stoney was cared for? Funny how THAT is neglected. Convenient to be a victim isn't it???????

THEN, "give me money for..." Again, WHO pays EVERY MOTHERFUCKING bill?????

So yes, I did VERY well in this am's 5k. Broke 30! Now, I know I can break 9 min pace. I actually feel it in me!

..but I need counseling....................

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