
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Day 2159


Funny, all was well when I got bills, THOUSANDS of dollars of bills for treatment It received. Now that It gets the bills for the care It received, I get a new one torn?

Add THAT to Its lifelong resistance to living according to a budget, and you get the current conditions. KNEE DEEP IN SHIT. Sucks for It.

Called it didn't I??? WAY back when we lived in Uniondale, I'd asked why It never, ever wrote a shopping list? This m.o. followed It throughout Its life. Never lived with any semblance of discipline. Now, over $100,000 in debt. What does It do? STEALS the change from my piggy bank. No shit. Fucking pathetic. Then, raids my closet.


Not to worry. I led the meeting last night, one highlight of which was pictures of Toxichouse. It tried to undermine me, actually speaking @ MY homegroup (It has poor-if any-boundaries). No worries. When the assembled groupmembers saw the pictures of what It allowed Toxichouse to become, they ALL asked which episode of Hoarders we appeared in?

THIS was balanced with the pictures on my Youtube page, showing the house when It got out of the hospital. There we once were, clean, ordered, no bill collectors.

The place looked great. Of course, they asked just HOW mental It is? I had no answer. Not my problem.

(they really loved the pix of the punched out door).

Beautiful day, got my miles, then golf. Later, meet with my peeps.

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