
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Day 2162


Again, VERY little sleep, ran.

2 hours or so, an extended cat nap really. Then off to lower manhattan. There were 2 races today; one in Queens (Forest Park), the other the NYPD Memorial. So, guess which? Of course the nypd. Got there early enough to snag a GREAT spot, only to be told-too late-to move because....Even the cops there thought it was ridic. Nontheless, when tables were set up blocking my exit (tables, in the street??? YOU tryu arguing with cops. Asshole move THAT wasP). The garage across the street: $48. For 3 HOURS???? Fuck that. One block away, $22. Only in ny kiddies.

So, prerrace chillin', sittin', nappin', the Danz's encounter me. They were pinning numbers to their shirts. Amazing. 2,000 peeps doin' this race, I bump into them. REALLY glad I did this one.

WOULD be nice to sleep, but @ Toxichouse, the best you do is shut your eyes (literally AND figuratively).

Quite a weekend!!!

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