
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Day 1982

Happy Birthday!

Note: it's been 6 weeks, any sign of the door? It's in the void. Didn't REALLY think THAT was gonna happen didya? More empty promises.........(what WOULD JEEEEEEEEEZUS do?).

But I come in yesterday, my bathrobe on the floor leading to the crypt/basement. But It LOVES sending psychotexts about.  My fucking with Its things? Right. As of now, over 1,000 Youtube hits on Its latest food rant. Think maybe It needs an OA meeting. Last evening, raging that I owe It a pie and a cake for eating all of what it had in the fridge. In truth, I had 2 forkfuls a night, WOW. Call the lawyers! Remember when it lost Its mind about my having soup? The SAME soup It said I could have? ........but I need counseling......

And yes, despite the rain, got my miles. Better than listening to a nutjob rage about nothing.

After, we had our first Christmas party practice. Really gives you the spirit of what it's all about.

...but I need counseling.....

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