
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Day 1965


All was going smoothly...until...UNTIL...

Went to The Expo. WOW! seeing the line to get in could make you wanna NOT do the run, but it's deceptive. Stupid long line (there ARE 50,000 peeps doing it), but it only took 30 minutes tops. Just very offputting.

On the way in, and through the expo, kept running into peeps, VERY nice. Though I DID miss the Paragon free lunch, that was always a highlight. Oh well.

Then...THEN...Shebitch struck! My brotherfromanothermother told me It was calling (It cannot internalize that I blocked It and Stoney's calls, they're passed to my peeps first.) So, It was calling, in typical psycho fashion, to tear me a new one about eating some stew. The SAME stew it said was ok for me to consume. The same stew it gave away to the neighbors. But for me to have some, It suddenly decided was wrong. Got psycho??????? Have some more sugar! THEN, blasts music well into the early morning, in an effort to keep me awake. Didn't work. Nice try. Tried to get me to leave, nice try. This from the same person who'd rather threw out a half dozen corn muffins, after they went moldy, rather than let me have even one. Hell, I only pay the mortgage. (can't WAIT 'til the fridge breaks).

Remember what's happening tomorrow, it's the only nutjob in the country who can't remember what day The Big One is. It thought it was today! Got psycho???? AND best of all, if it-and Stoney-weren't reading this, how would they know anything???? Got privacy???

But I need counseling......

And yes, the same tired bullshit. I need therapy since I'm addicted to internet porn. me and every male on the planet.

Perhaps if you fulfilled your spousal responsibilities, internet porn wouldn't be necessary???

...but I need counseling.................

(467 hits on the Youtube channel from last night's psychosis. Comments focus on: "what meds DIDN'T It take?"). and yes, every viewer wonders why they are so privacy challenged. Can't believe It teaches religion yet behaves as it does. Go Jeeeeeeeeeezus!!!!!!!!!

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