
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 1840

Back in the saddle.

Had a tough weekend, thank GOD for running. Between the neighbors having nothing to do other than critique where I park (yep, it's true), and, again, enduring the scorn of It...things were rough. BUT, with runs sandwiching the weekend, all was well.

Was tempted to take this morning off, but no. There is rain predicted this week, so, get the miles while you can.

And yes, passing the old job hurts. But if it wasn't for that gig, wouldn't have the house, the son (that IS a good thing isn't it? ), the great schools etc.....Everything happens as it should. Just gotta accept it.

Still, it WOULD be nice to have something vaguely resembling support. Coming in each day to face yet more shit sucks.

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