
Achilles Run, "Stay thirsty my friend."

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 1830

Fuckin' asshole, you're a fuckin' asshole, such a fuckin' asshole.

Liar liar liar. LIAR liar, liar.

Why don't you just go? I can't wait until...........

You need to go to a meeting......................

Yes, Virginia, this is the sum of what Psychobitch woke me up, @ 11:15, to scream. Real positive reinforcement (and, again, with Stoney and his girl on the couch directly below). THIS is what JEEEEEEEEEZUS would do. THIS is what the founder of AA espoused. Fucking bitch. (but I need a meeting???). Think It's off Its meds? Should'a signed up for the Affordable Care coverage, but no. it thought Medicare would do the trick, rejected. Pity.

And those words were uttered, after waking me up, the night before a big sale. Did I make the sale? Did I even try? Did I have anything vaguely resembling motivation?

So, manana, the QUEENS 10k, followed by an evening 1m. At least tomorrow will be a good day.

This am, Spin, saw my peeps. I'm ok.

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